The Lancet: First randomised trial finds no substantial difference in risk of acquiring HIV for three different forms of contraception | EurekAlert! Science News

The Lancet: First randomised trial finds no substantial difference in risk of acquiring HIV for three different forms of contraception | EurekAlert! Science News

A randomised trial of more than 7,800 African women found that a type of contraceptive injection (intramuscular depot medroxyprogesterone acetate – DMPA-IM) posed no substantially increased risk of HIV acquisition when compared with a copper intrauterine device (IUD) and a levonorgestrel (LNG) implant. The results of this first ever randomised trial in the area, published in The Lancet, counter 30 years of epidemiology research suggesting a potential association between some types of contraceptives and risk of acquiring HIV.




Published: 2019
Source: Eureka Alert