Why Do Certain Hormonal Contraceptives Increase the Risk of HIV? Reports on a study which found that DMPA use was associated with an increase in immunological changes, and that the presence of certain vaginal infections further increased the risk of HIV acquisition....
Risk of HIV Infection in Studies of African Women Using Hormonal Contraceptives Use of the injectable progestin contraceptive depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) is linked to an increased risk for HIV infection, according to an article published by Charles...
Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use Fifth Edition – Executive Summary This executive summary contains all the new recommendations incorporated into the fifth edition of the Medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use. In addition to the...
WHO Statement on Depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) The purpose of this Statement is to reiterate and clarify the existing (current) WHO position based on published guidance that is still valid. WHO monitors the evidence in this field closely and will update its...
Advocates Call for Full Funding of Research on HIV and Contraception By Lillian Mworeko & Emily Bass A commentary by AIDS Legal Network South Africa, ATHENA Network, AVAC, International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS-East Africa, Pangaea Zimbabwe AIDS...
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